Home Grown Tomatoes

22 Aug

This post will be nothing more than me sharing my excitement in home grown tomatoes.

Regardless of the fact that my grandparents, parents and in-laws all have vegetable plots in their gardens and successfully grow tomatoes (along with many other yummy things) every year, this is my first year for attempting to grow anything edible and I am so very excited to share with you my success!! I’ve recently learned that gardening makes me happy, both from the process, the weeding and watering and dead-heading, and the results of my efforts and the reason for this post.

I’ve been growing my own tomato plant on the somewhat unsheltered balcony of our 12th floor apartment in Geneva for the last 3 months or so. It started as a 10cm plant purchased at the local hardware store to now being 1 metre in height. I’ve been diligently watering it every day, sometimes twice daily. It has weathered many storms on our balcony but after just one month we started to see a few flowers seeding to fruit. We thought we had purchased a cherry tomato plant. Boy were we wrong! “Tomate Grappe” in french purely means vine tomatoes, not grape tomatoes as we had incorrectly interpreted it to be.

But finally, after watching the first fruits grow and ripen over the last 2 months we were able to pick off 8 lovely ripe tomatoes last night.

You can see that there are still plenty more tomatoes to come so be on the look out for some tomato recipes coming soon 🙂

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